How to learn Coding

how to learn coding

How to learn Coding is simple! In this article, we will look at what coding is, why it’s important, and some useful tips on how to start learning to code. We will focus on the basics of coding.

what language you should use for beginners, where to learn, good courses to take, and common mistakes that people make when learning coding.

So let’s get started!

how to learn coding

What is Coding?

Coding, also known as programming or software development, is the process of creating instructions for computers to carry out tasks. It involves writing lines of code in a specific programming language that defines how a computer should perform particular tasks.

 Why Learn Coding?

Coding is an essential skill to have in today’s digital world. The ability to code gives you the power to shape the world around you with technology. It can be used to create websites, apps, programs, games, and more. Learning coding also helps you develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking which can be beneficial in other areas of life.

 What Language Should You Learn First?

When starting, it is best, to begin with, a basic programming language such as HTML, CSS, or javascript. These are relatively easy languages for beginners and will give you a good foundation for further learning. Python is another popular language that is often recommended for beginners.

Where Can You Learn Coding?

There are many online resources available for learning to code. Some of the most popular sites include Codecademy, freecodecamp, and Khan Academy. All of these sites offer free courses, tutorials, and exercises to help you get started. Additionally, there are several paid courses available from websites such as Udemy or Coursera.

 Common Mistakes to Avoid

When learning to code, it is important to avoid common mistakes that can slow down your progress. One of the biggest mistakes is trying to learn too much at once. It is important to focus on one language or concept at a time and gradually build up your knowledge over time. Another mistake is not asking enough questions when stuck on something—don’t be afraid

Why Learn Coding?

Learning coding can be a great way to open up new career opportunities and expand your knowledge. With coding skills, you can create your programs and websites, develop apps for mobile devices, build automated systems, and more. In addition, coding can help you better understand how technology works and give you an edge when it comes to problem-solving skills.

What Language Should I Use?

The best language to use as a beginner is usually Python. It is relatively easy to learn, and many tutorials are available online.

Where Can I Learn?

You can find plenty of coding resources online, including free and paid courses. Some good places to start are Udemy, Coursera, Codecademy, and edx. These websites offer a range of topics and levels, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Common Mistakes Made

Ting code without reading the instructions carefully can lead to errors. It’s important to take time to read through the instructions and make sure you understand what you’re doing.

Not testing: Not testing your code is another common mistake. Make sure to test your code after writing it so that you can spot any bugs or errors quickly.

Not asking for help: If you’re stuck on a problem, don’t be afraid to ask for help! There are plenty of online forums where you can get advice from experienced coders.


Learning coding can be a great way to open up new career opportunities and expand your knowledge. With the right resources and dedication, anyone can learn how to code.

Python is usually a good language to start with as it is relatively easy to learn and there are plenty of tutorials available online.

With these tips in mind, you should be well on your way to becoming a successful coder!




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Coding Mistakes that many people make

Coding is an essential skill in today’s world. So why do people fail at coding? It can be due to wrong motivation or lack of preparation. Therefore, it’s important to have realistic expectations and set yourself up for success before you start coding. Here are 15 common mistakes one should avoid while learning to code if they want to be successful.

coding can be difficult

Not having foundation in coding

Learning to code without the right foundation can be difficult. If you don’t have a good understanding of basic programming concepts, you’ll likely find yourself lost and confused when trying to make sense of more complex topics.

 coding is planned

Before starting to learn coding, it’s important to have a plan in place. You should decide what language you want to learn, what project you want to work on and how much time you can dedicate every day towards learning.

Not asking for help in coding

Coding can be tricky and there are bound to be times when you get stuck or don’t know how to do something. It’s important not to give up at these points but instead ask for help from experienced coders.

Not testing your code

Testing is an important part of coding and one should always test their code after making changes to make sure it works as expected.

Documenting your code

Documenting your code is essential if you want to be able to look back at it and understand what it does in the future. It also helps other people who are working on the same project to better understand what’s going on.

Not taking breaks

Learning to code can be mentally exhausting, so it’s important to take regular breaks throughout the day in order to stay focused and motivated.

Not staying up to date

Technology is constantly changing and evolving, so it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends and tools.

Not practicing

Practicing coding regularly is essential if you want to become a better coder. Even if you don’t have a project in mind, it’s still important to find time every day to practice coding.

Not using online resources

There are plenty of online resources available for coders of all levels, from tutorials and courses to forums and blogs. Taking advantage of these resources can help you learn faster and more effectively.

Not setting goals

It’s important to set realistic goals for yourself when learning how to code. This will help keep you motivated and focused on the task at hand.

Not getting feedback

Getting feedback from experienced coders is a great way to learn and improve your coding skills. It’s important to take the time to get feedback on your work in order to ensure you are on the right track.

Not being organized

Organization is key when it comes to coding, so it’s important to keep your files and code organized in an easy-to-understand manner.

Not staying motivated

Learning how to code can be difficult and it’s easy to lose motivation along the way. It’s important to stay positive and find ways to stay motivated such as joining coding communities or attending hackathons.

Not using version control

Version control is an essential tool for any coder, as it allows you to keep track of the changes you make to your code and revert back to previous versions if necessary.

Not networking

Networking with other coders can help you learn new techniques and stay up to date on the latest trends in coding. It can also be a great way to find job opportunities or work on collaborative projects.

Not asking questions

Asking questions is an important part of the learning process and can help you better understand complicated concepts. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, as this will ultimately help you become a better coder.

Not keeping your code organized

Keeping your code organized is essential for efficient coding. This includes using proper indentation, commenting your code, and organizing it into logical chunks.

Not using debugging tools

Debugging tools can be a lifesaver when it comes to finding and fixing errors in your code. Learning how to use these tools can save you time and frustration when trying to figure out why something isn’t working as expected.


It’s needed for developing websites and apps, solving complex business problems and creating new technologies. Despite that, many people who try to learn coding don’t reach the success they expected.


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Understanding how to program

Understanding and Learning how to program is a long journey, but once you master basic concepts, you’ll be able to develop applications from scratch or improve existing ones. Here are 17 steps to take when learning programming.

understanding pragamming
understanding programming

1- Understanding the basics

The first step in learning how to program is understanding what programming actually means and why it’s important for us. In this video we will go over what programming actually is (in very simple terms).

2- Start by making a small project

Now that we understand what programming is, we can start building our own little projects. First, start with something easy such as creating a hello world application. Once you feel comfortable with the language, move on to bigger projects like a to do list manager.

3- Learn the Language Basics

In this step, we are going to focus on the syntax of the programming language, which includes things like variables and types. To begin, I recommend using your text editor to easily create a new file so that you don’t have any distractions.

4- Use an IDE (integrated development environment)

Once you’ve learned the basic syntax, the next step is to use an integrated development environment, otherwise known as ide. An IDE comes bundled with most languages. Examples include Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, intellij IDEA, etc. The benefit of using an ide is that they provide you with powerful tools that make developing programs easier.

5- Build a Simple Application

Now that you know how to build simple programs, let’s work on building a simple application. We will continue working on our previous tutorial and add a menu bar at the top of the screen. You can also extend this knowledge further by adding some more features to increase the complexity of our code.

6- Add a GUI (Graphical User Interface)

A graphical user interface allows users to interact with computers intuitively because everything is displayed on the computer monitor. A graphic user interface allows the developer to position buttons and other elements on the screen without writing complex code.

7- Practice Makes Perfect

Developing good habits takes time, so if you want to become a great programmer, you need to practice. Practicing makes perfect, and the more you practice, the better you’ll get. Don’t forget to share your progress with us!

8- Master Programming Languages

If you want to become a proficient software engineer, then you should learn multiple programming languages. It helps you to expand your horizon and becomes more valuable to employers.

9) Take online assessments

There are a few ways to assess yourself to determine where you stand. Some of these options include coding boot camps, job boards, and taking online assessments. Each option has its pros and cons, so choose according to your needs.

10) Keep Learning

Learning never ends. There are always things that you can learn about programming. Stay up to date with recent trends, technologies, and advancements.

11) Get familiar with different apis

Programming isn’t just limited to coding. Developers must also be knowledgeable of APIs. This may come in handy whenever you need to integrate two separate platforms.

12) Find a Career Path

Learn how to program today — there are many career paths related to technology out there. As the industry continues to grow, developers will find themselves gaining skills that set them apart from their peers.

13) Network

Networking gives you access to opportunities and resources that help you advance your career. Join groups or organizations related to your interests and take advantage of every opportunity available.

14) Earn Certifications

Many companies require certain certifications when it comes to programming. If you want to show off your ability to write quality code, then earn these certifications.

15) Teach Yourself

Teach yourself to code. Many people decide to learn to program because they see it as a gateway into IT careers. Teaching yourself is one of the best methods for learning how to program.

16 ) Develop Skills

If you have the desire to learn how to code but don’t know where to start, try developing your skills. In doing so, you’ll not only gain experience, but you’ll also develop useful skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, logic, time management, and communication.

17) Build an Online Portfolio

You’ve probably heard of portfolios before. An online portfolio is similar to a traditional resume in that it showcases your accomplishments and skills. The difference lies in its digital nature. You can easily upload documents, links, videos, screenshots, and much more. Your portfolio can serve as a promotional tool so potential employers can view your qualifications.

In conclusion

Becoming a developer is a long process, and requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance. But the result will be well worth the effort. So, go ahead and follow our advice above. Good luck!


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Programming questions and answers

Programming is usually divided into two types, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming. In OOP, objects are created to represent real life things and they interact with each other through methods and procedures. On the contrary, functional programming uses functions instead of objects to perform tasks. These functions are pure and cannot change their input values. Let us answer some of the programming questions.

programming questions

Explain why a person would choose to use OOP over FP?

An object-oriented program can be thought of as an entity that has its own data and behavior. It acts like a thing in the world and interacts with other objects by sending them messages. The main advantage of this type of programming is that it helps us organize our code in such a way that it becomes easier to understand and maintain. Also, we can create reusable components which we can call from different parts of the programs. However, there are certain disadvantages too. For example, if your program’s logic or database changes then you will have to go back and fix all those places where the function was called. This makes debugging a lot harder than in a purely procedural language.

What are some benefits of using FP vs OOP?

Functional languages are more suited for writing mathematical programs since the lack of side effects means the output will always depend on the inputs. Therefore, you do not need to worry about accidentally modifying state elsewhere in the program. You also don’t need to think about how state should be shared between different parts of the program. There is no explicit “this” concept either, so when working with collections you only care about their contents rather than worrying about what kind of container holds them. Finally, functions can easily be composed into new ones, which leads to extremely powerful abstractions.

Define recursion.

Recursion refers to a function returning itself. A typical example of this is factorial (n). We say that recursive functions run until a base case is reached. If n happens to be zero, then factorial returns 1*2*3… *n! Otherwise, it calls itself again: factorial (factorial (n – 1)). As long as the function keeps calling itself, it keeps going up the chain, eventually reaching the base case. When the recursion stops, we return the last value it calculated.

Describe what static typing is.

Static typing is the idea that every variable in a computer program must belong to exactly one type. While this may seem limiting, it has several advantages. First, it forces programmers to make sure that variables are declared correctly before they start manipulating them. Second, it prevents many common bugs. Third, it ensures that your code won’t compile unless you follow the rules. Static typing can be used in two ways: structural typing and nominal typing. Structural typing checks that all the variables in a program have the same structure. For example, both Int32s and Double are structurally typed because they have the same set of properties. Nominal typing involves declaring each variable explicitly so that it belongs to a specific type. For example, x 5; y 7; z 9; could be written as int x, double y, float z.

Explain why dynamic typing is beneficial in real life situations.

Dynamic typing allows you to use any variable without first knowing what type it is. So, in real-life situations, we use dynamic typing because we want to keep things flexible.

Why does C++ support inheritance?

The key point of inheritance is that it lets you share types across many classes. In C++, you define a class by specifying the types of all the members of the class (including constructors), and giving the name of the class along with its parent class. If the derived class inherits from another class, the compiler automatically generates virtual methods for any member variables defined in the superclass. Inheritance lets you reuse code by storing it in a single place with just minor modifications required to adapt it to the new situation. However, there are some downsides of inheritance. Inherited data cannot be modified outside its own scope.

Even if an object isn’t meant to change, it’s still possible that other parts of the system might try to modify its values. Also, multiple inheritance can lead to ambiguities when deciding whether to call certain method or constructor implementation. These problems arise when trying to write generic algorithms.


Inheritance makes sense in general, but not always. Programming questions are so interesting. It really depends on what you’re trying to do and how much time you have to work with. Hope your programming questions were answered in this article.



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Coding questions answered

Coding questions has never been easier. In previous decades, software development was mostly done manually. Today, however, computers are the ones who take care of the technical work. And as technologies evolve, they also enable coders to create even better applications.

What is coding?

Coding is a process of expressing ideas and instructions in computer language that results in an output from the computer. It’s mainly used by programmers to develop their own programs or modify existing ones.

coding questions

Why do we need it?

There are two reasons why you should know how to code: firstly, if you want to be a programmer; and secondly because programming helps solve problems in different areas such as social media marketing, web design, business management, etc.

How can I learn how to code?

The best way to gain knowledge about coding is through practical experience. But if you don’t have any experience with programming, there’s always learning resources available online. You could start by visiting Lynda .They offer lots of free courses on a wide range of subjects such as Java, Python, HTML5, Android Studio, etc. Finally, there are many books which will help you build your skills. We recommend Code Academy’s book for beginners called Learn to Program in JavaScript.

Where can I use my new skills?

Learning to code doesn’t just mean learning how to write programs but also means being able to apply what you’ve learned. If you’re proficient at writing HTML, CSS, jQuery and JavaScript, then you’re ready to make money with them! This is exactly why we created our Online Graphic Design Academy (OGD). Here, you’ll get live projects that require you to apply everything you’ve learned so far. For example, you’ll find tutorials for graphic design, logo design, UI/UX design, mobile app design and much more.

What if I’m not good at maths?

Don’t worry! There’s no need to be a math whiz in order to become a great coder. Just remember that math plays a key role in all aspects of the programming world. So if you think you’re bad at Math, you’re probably going to struggle when learning to code. Fortunately, this isn’t true. In fact, you don’t have to be super talented either. The most important thing is to keep trying and doing practice tests.

Are there jobs out there?

Of course! Programming is one of the fastest growing careers nowadays. And according to Glassdoor, it’s expected to grow by 18% each year until 2024. Not only that, there’s plenty of room for job growth too. By 2020, there will be 1.7 million open developer positions worldwide.

What does a typical day look like?

Your days as a freelancer might vary depending on the company you work for and whether you’re starting a project or working on a specific task. However, here’s a breakdown of what you can expect.9AM – Get up, drink coffee, read news, check email10AM – Work on some freelance tasks11AM – Lunch12PM – Work on some freelance assignments1-3PM – Have lunch, check emails4PM – Finish freelance projects and prepare for the next day

What should I do before applying?

As a freelancer, you should always come prepared for every assignment. That way, you won’t waste time looking for files or images. Your client will appreciate that. Before starting work, you should create a folder where you store all your assets. You should also download a copy of Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch and other similar apps. Even though these programmes are paid, they are very helpful when building websites and logos.

Can I combine my freelance career with another profession?

You can definitely combine different professions while you’re freelancing. It’s actually quite common. One of the most interesting combinations is between graphic designer and programmer.


Above are coding questions that many people ask. When you combine both fields, you end up having two talents that complement each other perfectly. You can see examples of this type of combination in sites such as Behance and Dribbble. we hope these coding questions answer your own questions.



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Web development Launching

web management

web development needs attention to know it. You’ve probably heard that coding is becoming an essential skill for everyone. While it’s true that anyone can code nowadays, having good skills in the language of choice helps boost your career prospects. In this article, we take a look at 8 things you should know before launching into learning web development.

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web management
web management

d programmer

It might seem like an obvious point but there are many people who think they need to be a coder to learn how to program. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Programming languages and frameworks have been developed with beginners in mind so even if you haven’t had any formal education or training in computer science or programming, you shouldn’t struggle too much, particularly now when online courses and free tutorials abound. There is no shortage of resources available on the internet these days and some of them offer fantastic opportunities to get started. So long as you approach learning with an open-minded attitude and ask questions along the way, you’ll soon pick up new tricks and techniques.

Start simple

If you’re just starting out, it makes sense to start by building small projects. Building a website or creating a basic app can help you build confidence and familiarity with the tools that will come later on. You can also use websites such as Codecademy and Code School to teach yourself JavaScript or Python. When choosing what project to work on, think about which language would create the best value for money. If you decide to go down the route of learning C++ then you may want to consider using Visual Studio Code instead of Sublime Text Editor.

Learn the basics first

Once you have a feel for how web development works, you can move onto more complex projects. Learning HTML5 and CSS3 will allow you to achieve results more quickly, without worrying about compatibility issues. For example, you could develop a site using HTML5 Boilerplate, a popular front end framework used across sites all over the world. Alternatively, if you want to play around with something more powerful, you could learn React JS, AngularJS or Vuejs. By adding in some server side scripting (such as PHP), you can begin producing dynamic pages that interact with data held in databases.

Build a portfolio

There’s nothing worse than making a mistake during a job interview and then finding out that you’ve lost your chance to secure a position. Having a portfolio of completed projects gives potential employers a clear idea of how well you can work independently and how you manage deadlines. A word of caution though – do not make your entire portfolio public. Instead, create a separate folder for each project where only you can see its contents. You can share links to the files in an email to interested parties.

Understand the fundamentals

After completing several projects and gaining experience, you’ll need to understand the core concepts behind web development. It’s important to grasp how browsers interpret HTML and CSS, how JavaScript interacts with other components, and how responsive design affects the overall user experience. After reading a few articles covering these topics, you’ll gain enough knowledge to be able to tackle more advanced material on your own.

Use online communities

The web has brought together thousands of developers from every corner of the globe. As a result, you should never be short of advice when looking to solve coding problems. Online forums provide one of the most effective ways of meeting fellow coders and asking questions.

Get hands-on!

Learning by doing is often far better than simply watching someone else code. Take the time to set up your own personal workspace and try to replicate the steps being demonstrated. This will ensure that you’re working through similar situations and learning at the same pace as others. You can access lots of practical examples for free from online repositories including GitHub.


Web development is a creative career field that allows you to explore new ideas and express yourself. With so many different platforms available to choose from, there are bound to be opportunities for you to get involved. Try to keep yourself motivated by taking part in competitions or joining discussions online. The more you know, the easier it will become to find your next role.


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