Understanding how to program

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Understanding and Learning how to program is a long journey, but once you master basic concepts, you’ll be able to develop applications from scratch or improve existing ones. Here are 17 steps to take when learning programming.

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understanding programming

1- Understanding the basics

The first step in learning how to program is understanding what programming actually means and why it’s important for us. In this video we will go over what programming actually is (in very simple terms).

2- Start by making a small project

Now that we understand what programming is, we can start building our own little projects. First, start with something easy such as creating a hello world application. Once you feel comfortable with the language, move on to bigger projects like a to do list manager.

3- Learn the Language Basics

In this step, we are going to focus on the syntax of the programming language, which includes things like variables and types. To begin, I recommend using your text editor to easily create a new file so that you don’t have any distractions.

4- Use an IDE (integrated development environment)

Once you’ve learned the basic syntax, the next step is to use an integrated development environment, otherwise known as ide. An IDE comes bundled with most languages. Examples include Microsoft Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, intellij IDEA, etc. The benefit of using an ide is that they provide you with powerful tools that make developing programs easier.

5- Build a Simple Application

Now that you know how to build simple programs, let’s work on building a simple application. We will continue working on our previous tutorial and add a menu bar at the top of the screen. You can also extend this knowledge further by adding some more features to increase the complexity of our code.

6- Add a GUI (Graphical User Interface)

A graphical user interface allows users to interact with computers intuitively because everything is displayed on the computer monitor. A graphic user interface allows the developer to position buttons and other elements on the screen without writing complex code.

7- Practice Makes Perfect

Developing good habits takes time, so if you want to become a great programmer, you need to practice. Practicing makes perfect, and the more you practice, the better you’ll get. Don’t forget to share your progress with us!

8- Master Programming Languages

If you want to become a proficient software engineer, then you should learn multiple programming languages. It helps you to expand your horizon and becomes more valuable to employers.

9) Take online assessments

There are a few ways to assess yourself to determine where you stand. Some of these options include coding boot camps, job boards, and taking online assessments. Each option has its pros and cons, so choose according to your needs.

10) Keep Learning

Learning never ends. There are always things that you can learn about programming. Stay up to date with recent trends, technologies, and advancements.

11) Get familiar with different apis

Programming isn’t just limited to coding. Developers must also be knowledgeable of APIs. This may come in handy whenever you need to integrate two separate platforms.

12) Find a Career Path

Learn how to program today — there are many career paths related to technology out there. As the industry continues to grow, developers will find themselves gaining skills that set them apart from their peers.

13) Network

Networking gives you access to opportunities and resources that help you advance your career. Join groups or organizations related to your interests and take advantage of every opportunity available.

14) Earn Certifications

Many companies require certain certifications when it comes to programming. If you want to show off your ability to write quality code, then earn these certifications.

15) Teach Yourself

Teach yourself to code. Many people decide to learn to program because they see it as a gateway into IT careers. Teaching yourself is one of the best methods for learning how to program.

16 ) Develop Skills

If you have the desire to learn how to code but don’t know where to start, try developing your skills. In doing so, you’ll not only gain experience, but you’ll also develop useful skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, logic, time management, and communication.

17) Build an Online Portfolio

You’ve probably heard of portfolios before. An online portfolio is similar to a traditional resume in that it showcases your accomplishments and skills. The difference lies in its digital nature. You can easily upload documents, links, videos, screenshots, and much more. Your portfolio can serve as a promotional tool so potential employers can view your qualifications.

In conclusion

Becoming a developer is a long process, and requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance. But the result will be well worth the effort. So, go ahead and follow our advice above. Good luck!


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